Copyright © 66 LEAD-ACID BATTERIES - UNCLEANED EMPTY CONTAINERS UN 3509 Applies to: Empty container of lead-acid batteries, with residue of electrolyte, acid UN No., Proper Shipping Name UN 3509, PACKAGINGS, DISCARDED, EMPTY, UNCLEANED Class 9 Packing Group not assigned Hazard Label • Labels must be in the form of a square set at an angle of 45° (diamond-shaped) with minimum dimensions of 100 mm by 100 mm; except for air transport mode, labels dimensions may be reduced in the case of packages of such dimensions that they can only bear smaller labels. • They must have a line 5 mm inside the edge and running parallel with it. Transport mode ADR IMDG IATA Passenger Aircraft and Cargo Packing instructions P003 RR9 Outer packagings constructed of suitable material, and of adequate strength and design in relation to the packaging capacity and its intended use, shall be used. Where this packing instruction is used for the transport of articles or inner packagings of combination packagings, the packaging shall be designed and constructed to prevent inadvertent discharge of articles during normal conditions of carriage. IBC08 BB3 The following IBCs are authorized: (1) Metal (11A, 11B, 11N, 21A, 21B, 21N, 31A, 31B and 31N); (2) Rigid plastics (11H1, 11H2, 21H1, 21H2, 31H1 and 31H2); (3) Composite (11HZ1, 11HZ2, 21HZ1, 21HZ2 and 31HZ1); (4) Fibreboard (11G); (5) Wooden (11C, 11D and 11F); (6) Flexible (13H1, 13H2, 13H3, 13H4, 13H5, 13L1, 13L2, 13L3, 13L4, 13M1 or 13M2). Common requirements: Packagings and IBC are not required to be approved Packagings and IBC made leak tight or fitted with a leak tight and puncture resistant sealed liner or bag, shall be used. When the only residues contained are solids which are not liable to become liquid at temperatures likely to be encountered during carriage, flexible packagings and IBC may be used. When liquid residues are present, rigid packagings and IBC that provide a means of retention (e.g. absorbent material) shall be used. Forbidden for maritime transport Forbidden for air transport Weight limit No limit Tunnel code (E) Transport cat. Exemptions chapter no weight limits " Marking and Labelling of Packages UN 3509 Overpack - Documents Transport document